Agents Cyber Secure

Besides being an exclusive membership benefit and up to 50% premium savings, you will also find the new Big I program will respond under more circumstances than the competition.

Responding to a breach is a complicated process that requires the assistance from many different professionals. Failure to notify the affected individuals “without unreasonable delay” could cost your agency up to $1,500,000 in fines from government agencies. Add this to the $200,000 average cost to comply with notification laws, the legal liability and the reputational harm caused by the breach and you can quickly see how this exposure can be devastating to your agency.

A full 80% of businesses that experience a data security breach don't survive. The right insurance can keep your agency from becoming part of this startling statistic. If that is not enough reason to consider purchasing data breach protection for your business, here are six more: 

  • Data breaches are common among smaller businesses like yours.
  • Responding to a breach is not only costly - running an estimated $200,000 - it's complex.
  • Package policies are not up for the task.
  • You are obligated to protect data you collect.
  • Even if you outsource data handling, your exposure stays in-house.
  • The exposure is not just from hackers intruding on electronic systems.