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Social Security and Medicare: Your Questions Answered

This course, created and taught by a veteran insurance educator (and one who has personally run the Social Security/Medicare sign-up gauntlet) will reveal lessons learned about both programs and bring much clarity to the chaos. Whether you are seeking info to help a customer, spouse, parent, relative or preparing for your own journey through the retirement “right of passage”, harvest the value of experience and take this course!

Webinar Details

Approximately 24 hours prior to the webinar, you will receive a separate email with a link to attend the webinar class.
Questions: [email protected] or (800) 438-4424.

4/25/2024 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Eastern Daylight Time

Registration Instructions

Click here to view instructions for how to register online. However, if you want to register and pay by check, please use this document

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Click here to view cancellation policies and disclaimers for Big I Indiana classes and events.

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