2024 Convention Program

Monday, November 11th

9:00 - 10:00 am

 Knuckle Sandwich: Knocking Out the Top 10 Enemies of Success
Jason Peacock

During this session, we will identify, expose, and eliminate the Top 10 enemies that are keeping insurance agents from a life of success and more importantly, significance in their careers. (Approved for 1 hour of Indiana CE)

10:00 - 11:00 am - Concurrent Sessions

Finders Keepers: How to Find & Keep the Customers You Want 
Jason Peacock

In this session, attendees will learn the 5 questions that will not only help their sales approach but more importantly their customer service to their current and potential customers: Who, where, what, how, and when? (Approved for 1 hour of Indiana CE)

Tell Me About the Market: A Broker/Company Panel
Panelists: TBA

One of the keys to a successful agency is working with the various companies and brokers to which the agency is contracted. This has become increasingly difficult with the tumultuous market conditions in the current property and casualty insurance marketplace. This panel will explore the processes under which companies and brokers make underwriting decisions and how those processes have changed. It will also provide insights and tips about working with these entities, including providing strong applications, relationship building, what they are looking for in risks, and much more. (Approved for 1 hour of Indiana CE)

Personal Lines: How Did We Get Here & Is it Broken Forever?  (Session runs from 10am - 12pm)
Nicole Broch

Personal Lines is experiencing the hardest market on record, agents and account managers are scrambling, carriers are changing course daily, and the insured is left with reduced coverage and higher premiums. This course will explain how we got here; a journey down the timeline from Covid to Winter Storm Elliott and beyond, what we can do to understand, explain, and advise our insureds through this tough market, and forecast the future of Personal Lines. (Approved for 2 hours of Indiana CE)

11:00 - 12:00 pm - Concurrent Sessions

From YAC to Emerging Leaders: An Indiana YAC Alumni Panel Discussion
Panelists: TBA

The Indiana Young Agents (YAC) and Emerging Leaders (EL) Committees have produced many of the leaders in Indiana’s insurance industry over the last three decades. Join our panel of former YAC and EL members as they discuss how they have succeeded in the independent agent channel. This will include how to weather challenging markets; building relationships with carriers, clients and other agents; the changes the industry has undergone over the last three decades, for better and worse; and how to maximize opportunities to give back to the industry through participation. Panelists will include agents from a variety of different sized agencies who have used their participation in YAC and EL to further their careers. (Approved for 1 hour of Indiana CE)

The State of the Insurance Marketplace (M&A)
Carey Wallace

In this session, we will talk about the current trends in the insurance marketplace and how these trends are impacting the agencies of today and tomorrow. If you are looking to make insurance a long-term career this session will explore the changes and opportunities that lie ahead with technology, customer & carrier expectations, innovation, and much more. There is no better time to be in our industry, and those that are excited to embrace change will be well-positioned for an incredible future. (Approved for 1 hour of Indiana CE)

Personal Lines: How Did We Get Here & Is it Broken Forever? (Session runs from 10am - 12pm)


12:00 - 1:30 pm

Veterans Day Lunch

Survive and Thrive:  A Combat Wounded Green Beret's Story of Teamwork, Perseverance, and Faith
Master Sergeant Sean Clifton

 During his last deployment to Afghanistan in 2009, Master Sergeant Sean Clifton was critically wounded while conducting a raid on a Taliban compound. Upon clearing a doorway of a Taliban leader’s compound, he was shot multiple times by Taliban fighters. The medics kept him alive on the battlefield and he then spent over 6 months at Walter Reed Army Medical Center undergoing over 20 surgical procedures; followed by more than 4 years of additional surgery, therapy, and recovery. Don't miss your chance to hear Sean's story!

1:30 - 3:00 pm - Concurrent Sessions

What Would You Do?

Trey Gregory & Bree Kempf

In this roundtable, discussion based session, you'll be presented with a variety of claim scenarios and ethical dilemmas that agents encounter everyday. We'll weigh the options and figure out how we can assist clients in the most effective ways. Claims are the most important part of our job; when the policy we sold needs to be put to use. The more you know, the less scary they can be. (Approved for 1.5 hours of Indiana CE)

MICAI SESSION: Personal Lines: E&O Considerations of Hyperinflation

Nicole Broch

Inflation has been a factor in both commercial property and personal residential risk for a long time – but never like this! Personal Lines E & O Considerations of Hyperinflation will review the increasing E & O exposure for agents for residential property and well as personal auto coverages. Exploring both procedural and knowledge-based errors that could trip up even the most experienced agent. All are welcome to attend. (Submitted for 1.5 hours of Indiana CE)

Using Your Valuation as a Business Planning Tool

Carey Wallace

In today's insurance realm, finding and retaining top talent is crucial for sustained success. This course is a guide tailored for insurance industry professionals navigating the challenges of hiring in the current landscape. This presentation dives into essential strategies for sourcing, attracting, and keeping top-tier talent in a fiercely competitive market. From innovative recruitment techniques to fostering an enticing company culture, this session offers practical insights that redefine recruitment success. Join us as we explore the pivotal strategies reshaping the way insurance agencies approach staffing, propelling them forward in an ever-evolving industry. (Approved for 1.5 hours of Indiana CE)

3:00 - 4:30 pm - Concurrent Sessions

Staffing & Recruiting in Today's Insurance Market: Key Strategies for Success

Nolan Duda

In today's insurance realm, finding and retaining top talent is crucial for sustained success. This course is a guide tailored for insurance industry professionals navigating the challenges of hiring in the current landscape. This presentation dives into essential strategies for sourcing, attracting, and keeping top-tier talent in a fiercely competitive market. From innovative recruitment techniques to fostering an enticing company culture, this session offers practical insights that redefine recruitment success. Join us as we explore the pivotal strategies reshaping the way insurance agencies approach staffing, propelling them forward in an ever-evolving industry. (Approved for 1.5 hours of Indiana CE)

Digital Marketing and AI: Taking the First Steps

Joseph Cox

This session is designed for insurance agencies looking to enhance their digital presence and several AI technologies. We will cover the following key topics: website best practices, social media strategy, email marketing, leveraging Google tools, and more. (Approved for 1.5 hours of Indiana CE)

MICAI Session: Annual Business Meeting

Closed session - MICAI members only


4:30 - 6:30 pm

Who's Who Happy Hour

Join us for drinks, snacks, and most importantly, connecting with your fellow convention attendees! Your favorite networking event is back for another year. Spend some time with your insurance peers plus, get a sneak peek at the silent auction items!

8:00 - 10:00 pm

Networking Nightcap

We'll be back at the hotel when you return from dinner for a networking nightcap. Come join us for one more drink before ending your day and heading up to bed. 

Tuesday, November 12th 

9:00 am - 12:00 pm


Visit with exhibitors, bid on silent auction items, and stick around for multiple prize drawings. 

12:30 - 2:15 pm

The Awards Lunch

 Join us for to celebrate the best of the best in the independent insurance industry in Indiana. 

2:30 - 4:30 pm - Concurrent Sessions

I'm Just a Bill: The Impact of Legislative and Regulatory Initiatives on the Insurance Industry

The insurance industry is one of the most highly regulated industries in our country, and it is regulated on the state level. This session will examine how legislative and regulatory initiatives come to be in Indiana, and how they impact the day-to-day workings of the property and casualty industry for agencies, companies, brokers, and their clients. It will also explore how the Indiana General Assembly and the Indiana Department of Insurance work together to craft laws to make the industry competitive, but at the same time protect consumer interests. Speakers will include: State Representative Matt Lehman, IDOI Commissioner Amy Beard, IDOI Legislative Director Claire Spzara and Big I Indiana CEO Steve Duff. (Approved for 2 hours of Indiana CE)

 Active Shooter: Practical Preparation Meets Insurance
Sergeant John Perrine & Rick Pitts

Our active assailant session last year was so popular, we decided to bring it back with a new take. Sergeant John Perrine will begin the session by taking attendees through an "Unarmed Response to Active Shooter" training. This program is designed to provide prevention techniques and response options to active shooter events. Once you've learned some real life survival options, Rick Pitts will dive into recent incidents and discuss how insurance plays a role. Learn about the latest coverages, ask questions about selling to and training your clients, and leave with practical knowledge. (Approved for 2 hours of Indiana CE) 

5:00 - 8:00 pm

The Convention Wrap Party: A Big I Indiana Social Club Event
Offsite: Punch Bowl Social

Celebrate the end of another amazing Big I Indiana Convention at The Convention Wrap Party! Your $25 ticket includes dinner, 1 drink ticket, and activities including bowling and karaoke. Separate registration is required and space is limited.